Membership fees
The Pharmadanmark membership fee comprises several parts and depends on where you work and the region in which you work. This is why it is important that you register any changes to your employment details as soon as possible. This can be done on My Page which you gain access to when you log on to the Pharmadanmark site.
All fees are per. month and quarterly in Danish kroner.
Graduates pays 50% less the first six month after graduation.
Full membership fee
Pharmadanmark membership fee | 385 | 1.155 |
Sektionernes Fællesfond | 17 | 51 |
Forhandlingsfonden | 10 | 30 |
PDA | 35 | 105 |
Forenede Gruppeliv | 65 | 195 |
Total membership fee | 512 | 1.536 |
Pharmadanmark - Hospital, Uddannelsesfonden | 8 | 24 |
Membership fee reductions
Unemployed without PDA or members on unpaid leave (including Gruppeliv) | 148 | 444 |
Active abroad (employed on overseas contract) (including PDA and Gruppeliv) | 248 | 744 |
Other members (passive) | 151 | 453 |
Students | 25 | 75 |
Graduates (including PDA and Gruppeliv) | 250 | 750 |
Pensioners | 25 | 75 |
Tax deductions
Pharmadanmark reports the paid membership fee to Skat, the Danish tax authorities. The fee to the collective life insurance is not deductable. The maximum for deduction is DKK 7,000 in 2024. Find out more at skat.dk.
Your status in the first quarter determines who much you need to pay. No retroactive adjustments can be made. All active members who are in employment pay the full membership fee. Members employed on overseas contracts pay a reduced fee as Pharmadanmark is not under obligation to provide legal assistance with employment contracts that are regulated by the laws of another country. These members retain cover under the association’s Gruppeliv scheme and accrue the right to receive benefits from Pharmadanmark’s unemployment insurance (PDA) if they are made redundant.
Membership fees are charged quarterly on the following dates: 5 February, 5 May, 5 August and 5 November. Membership fees as of 1 January 2015