Pharmadanmark - Regions and Municipalities
You are automatically a member of Pharmadanmark – Regions and Municipalities when you work in a hospital department, a hospital pharmacy, or in a municipal elderly care facility.
You can also choose to join the section even if you don't work in a region or municipality, but if your professional interests align with the section's scope of work.
Pharmadanmark - Regions and Municipalities organizes the 'Danish Hospital Pharmacy' conference twice a year, with the spring meeting being the district's main event.
The board works to ensure that the section serves as a social and collegial network for its members.
The Section's Education Committee (SHAU) strives to provide continuing education opportunities and further training in collaboration with employers, universities, and scientific societies.
If you are interested in being part of the board or participating in the representative assembly, please write to pd@pharmadanmark.dk.
Section Board, Pharmadanmark - Regions and Municipalities (in danish)
Name | Role |
Pernille Kofoed Arrevad | Chairman |
Kaspar Østerskov Jensen | Vice Chairman |
Kirsten Ahring | Member |
Louise Winnecke Jensen | Member |
Manmeet Sahota | Member |
Pharmadanmark - Hospital's members of the Board of Representatives (in danish)
Medlem | Anita Buch Press, Hospitalsapoteket, Region Midtjylland |
Medlem | Marianne Hald Clemmensen, AMGROS |
Medlem | Frode Trettenes, Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense |
Medlem | Hanne Nielsen, Region Sjælland |
Medlem | Trine Rune Høgh Andersen, Sygehusapoteket Region Sjælland |
Medlem | Hanne Lindegren, Sygehusapoteket Region Sjælland |
Suppleant | Tania Truelshøj, Hospitalsapoteket, Region Midtjylland |
Suppleant | Helle Armandi, Region Hovedstadens Apotek, Bispebjerg - Frederiksberg |