Pharmadanmark - State
Pharmadanmark - State consists mostly of members who are employed in public organizations and universities. The circle is a merger of two previous circles: The Laboratory Pharmacy Circle and The Teaching Pharmacy Circle.
The background for the merger is that the employees within the state in a number of areas have common interests through common agreement and issues (research, investigation, teaching).
Acitivities of Pharmadanmark - State
The vision for the circle is to assure both the members' professional and social interests.
Pharmadanmark - State takes care of your interests internally in Pharmadanmark together with the public employees in Pharmadanmark's main board and the Board of Representatives.
In addition, Pharmadanmark - State works to offer you relevant professional and relevant events that can inspire and develop your professional and personal competencies.
If you are interested in being part of the board of Pharmadanmark – State or participating in the Board of Representatives, you must write to pd@pharmadanmark.dk.
Board, Pharmadanmark - State (in danish)
Navn | Rolle | Arbejdsplads |
Claus Hansen | Formand | Zealand - Sjællands Erhvervsakademi |
Aynur Sert | Næstformand | Lægemiddelstyrelsen |
Anne Hasle Buur | Medlem | Lægemiddelstyrelsen |
Lene Hansen | Medlem | Lægemiddelstyrelsen |
Gitte Claris Christensen | Medlem | Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed |
Wai Kei Wiki Ng | Medlem | Lægemiddelstyrelsen |
Sehbar Khalaf | Medlem | Miljøstyrelsen |