Network for seniors
We have in common that we will continue to cultivate the pharmaceutical community, even though we no longer belong to the work active members of the union.
Our events
The senior network meets about six to eight times a year in Copenhagen in the Senior Network - Zealand and twice a year in Aarhus in the Senior Network - Jutland.
In addition to the academic program, we discuss and talk about common problems and experiences.
We arrange lectures on pharmacy and diseases, topics of cultural and social interest as well as excursions to museums, among others.
How to join the network
You are welcome to visit one of our meetings.
The senior network's events are announced in Pharma, and the membership costs DKK 150 per quarter.
During the meeting you can pay for the event / lunch.
If you want to know more, feel free to call us.
The senior network - Zealand
Jytte Jacobsen tel. 2683 1923, Bjarne Fjalland tel. 3057 4259, Svend Norn tel. 4581 6687, Connie Sørensen tel. 6043 3281.
The senior network - Jutland
Inge Christensen tel. 2086 7250.