Login to 'Min side' (Min side are in danish)
You can view and correct your personal information on My Page. If you have forgotten your password, you can have a new one sent to you via the forgotten password by entering the membership number or social security number together with the email address you have registered with us.
Get updates from your network in Pharmadanmark
As a member of Pharmadanmark, you are a member of a network. If you want to be sure to receive messages from your network, you must go in and tick the notifications that you want to subscribe.
Our small guide about netværk (in danish)
Guidance for reimbursement
As a member of Pharmadanmark, you can apply for reimbursement of transport expenses for committee meetings, political meetings and events. Transport in one's own car is reported as tax-free A-income and taxable B-income, respectively.
Contact pd@pharmadanmark.dk if you want to apply for reimbursement.
If you don't want to be a member more
If you wish to unsubscribe, you must send an email to pd@pharmadanmark.dk, in the email we would very much like to ask you to write a short justification for the unsubscribe. It is not possible to unsubscribe by telephone. As an active member, you have three months' notice until the end of a quarter.